Flower Essences from BPI (List 2)

Easter Lily

Like all members of the lily family, Easter Lily has a strong affinity for the female reproductive system. According to Matt Wood, it is a very powerful detoxifier of the female organs, especially when taken for 7-10 days prior to the menses. He also recommends it for ovarian cysts. It relates to attitudes of guilt, shame, or ambivalence about one's sexuality; an inability to resolve a conflict between sexuality and spirituality; the"Madonna/Whore" syndrome. This was the first essence I ever made and it taught me a striking lesson about the healing power of flowers. Towards the end of making the essence, we noticed a lovely double aura of the purest white, two gossamer spheres of light surrounding the pan for 5 feet or so! Sitting inside the aura, you could feel the medicine power of Easter Lily without even taking the remedy. It was one of the most beautiful sights I have seen in my entire life!


This plant is perhaps the best known of all herbal remedies, where its action is to boost the powers of the immune system. As a flower essence (according to the FES Repertory), it works to establish a stronger connection with the higher self when this bond has been weakened by the stresses and emotional traumas of modern living. An auric sensation of the person being emotionally shattered like a broken mirror is often an indication for Echinacea. When I take this essence, I notice a "drawing up" sensation in my energy, as though I'm being connected with higher centers in the aura (some even above the head). At the same time, there's a feeling of being more embodied, of the Self being more fully present in the physical body. The energy of this remarkable flower was quite noticable while we were making the remedy, even from a distance of 20 feet or so. I can't recall ever experiencing a plant aura this powerful before.

Evening Primrose

The warm, sunny energies of Evening Primrose concentrate mainly on the 1st and 3rd chakras, as well as the heart center to a lesser degree. This remedy is for those who don't feel it's safe to express their needs, wishes and emotional reactions to others. For many reasons (especially family upbringing), people learn to stifle their individuality and become fearful of revealing their inner nature. In the extreme case, expression gets tangled up with issues of safety and survival (such as in an abusive family setting) -- survival means "stuffing it." Evening Primrose teaches that it's OK to have feelings and express them to others. It's helpful for people who are extremely distanced from their emotions. There's a "deadness" or lack of vitality in the way they talk or use their bodies. I suspect this remedy would be quite useful in cases of emotional trauma of any kind.

German Chamomile

Chamomile is good for when the emotional tides are too strong, destroying one's equanimity. The essence helps bring back a sunny disposition, radiating warmly right from the soul. I've been using it often for nervous stomach, brought on by worry and fear. All this suggests a marked 3rd chakra connection, the source of power and self-confidence in the aura, the "fire in the belly" (including digestion). Metaphorically, it's for people who can't digest properly what life dishes out. This is a very soothing and calming remedy for those who are easily upset.

Golden Yarrow

It seems the various Yarrows deal with themes of strength and protection at different levels. Golden Yarrow checks in most in the Dan Tien (an extra chakra point below the navel), the throat and through the skull. It imparts a feeling of vitality and outgoingness, as though the soul is pushing outwards against the world and standing its ground. It promotes an unusual combination of being in touch with your inner world while feeling confident to express that inspiration to the outer world. It's excellent for empowering the sensitive person who is easily overwhelmed by their surroundings.

Iris Versicolor

Iris is for the artist in our soul, for getting in touch with the creative spark that makes life worth living. Failure to maintain this contact results in a sense of sterility and alienation, of being stuck in the mud or having a heavy weight on one's neck. It's recommended for artists whose creative juices have gone dry. It stimulates the upper chakras (heart and above), releasing one's creativity. In fact, it's one of my foremost remedies for opening and clearing the crown chakra at the top of the head, a person's connecting link with higher spiritual powers. Some practitioners use Iris for treating addictive tendencies, especially to sugar.

Jack in the Pulpit

This was another experimental essence since I could find no references to it at the time. I was looking for trilliums that morning, but that flower was past its bloom. The jack in the pulpits were in full bloom, however, and calling me to try them. Herbally, it works on the throat, especially sore throats and hoarseness due to overuse ("clergyman's sore throat" -- Boericke). The flower essence also works in the throat area, relaxing the musculature. Further, it has a relaxing effect on the muscles that draw the shoulders forward. This suggests a profile of someone who is tired and beaten down by life, trying to protect themselves and simply get by, and is afraid to speak his mind. I've learned to recognize this posture in clients, particularly the way such people slump in a chair. Jack in the Pulpit is a good opener of the 5th chakra for such people, literally allowing the cramped posture to open up and unfold, letting them stand up for themselves once more.

Lady's Mantle

While making this essence and every time I take some of it, the phrase "structural integrity" flashes through my mind. Perhaps I've just watched too much Startrek, but I really think that phrase captures something important about this remedy. I think of integrity as a cohesive wholeness that allows a thing to "hang together" in a manner that reflects its inner nature. This wholeness can be at any level (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) and when the person is in harmony like this, the people and activities surrounding him also fall in order. When integrity is lacking, a state of stagnation, disintegration and malfunction set in. The remedy helps burn off the dross in a person and return them to their essential nature. On a mythic level, this plant has a number of "goddess" associations (especially to Venus, Freya and Mary) and may be helpful for developing the feminine aspects of the personality. Curiously, I feel this essence along the length of my spine quite strongly and it seems to affect the cerebral-spinal system markedly (similar to Comfrey). It also relaxes the kidneys, releasing deep-seated fears.


Lilac is another muscle relaxant, although its action is mainly on the muscles of the spinal column. Very good for stiff necks and the tension headaches they cause, "knots" in the back, etc. It's useful in conjunction with bodywork that releases the spine. As a consequence of relaxing the spine, the major chakra points are stimulated and opened up. My impression of the emotional state associated with Lilac is that it relates to core beliefs (probably acquired in childhood) about how safe it feels to be in the world. A feeling of dis-ease, lack of safety, or a sense of holding back the true self often shows up as rigidity or pain in the spine. The corresponding behavior pattern is what I call the "nervous squirrel syndrome," a kind of vigilance that's constantly scanning the surroundings for danger. The aura around this essence was the same light purple color as the flower.

Lily of the Valley

This plant is used in herbalism and homeopathy as a heart remedy for even the most drastic cardiac problems. I tried it experimentally as a flower essence, since I was unable to find any references to it in my books at the time. While I was shaking up the mother essence, I had a most vivid inner sense of how to use Lily of the Valley. I could see my heart encased in a thick, stony shell that prevented the emotions from reaching out to the world. As I tuned into the essence, I saw the shell begin to crack and crumble. Emerging from inside the shell was a piercing emerald colored light, the energy of the heart chakra. Based on this image, I began using this remedy for breaking through a "hardened heart". It produces a feeling of lightness and openness, as though a heavy weight was lifted from the heart. This is one of my most useful remedies, leading my list of essences for the heart chakra.


Motherwort is used in herbalism for various heart problems and women's reproductive conditions; homeopathy recognizes the same usages. The essence seems to affect the heart center quite directly. I find it useful to compare Motherwort to Pink Yarrow. The latter is good at driving the emotional residue of other people out of your system when you are overly sensitive to the influence of others. Motherwort is like a souped up version of Pink Yarrow, going deep into the heart to release all those old influences from others (Pink Yarrow is more superficial). It is highly stimulating, producing a strong feeling of wakefulness as it opens the heart and mind. I'm happy to have another deep acting heart center remedy to experiment with.


Herbally, mullein is a powerful respiratory remedy, especially for wracking coughs and colds. The FES Repertory gives a profile of a person struggling with his/her conscience, who tends to take the easy way out by doing or saying what is convenient rather than what they really mean. Mullein helps them stand up for their personal truth, assisting them in being true to their inner self. I've noticed the remedy lightens up and releases tension from the areas of the body devoted to the respiratory system (chest, throat, nose, sinuses). It also stimulates the upper chakras (the connection with the higher self). It seems to be helpful with colds, allergies, sinus infections, etc.


Pennyroyal helps remove "negative thought forms" from your aura, especially obsessive ideas that creep into your energy field from other people. It's similar to Pink Yarrow, but more mental than emotional. It clears the mind (like other mints) and allows your thoughts to get out of a rut. Now, if we can just get it to work on driving away mosquitos as the Pennyroyal plant is known to do...


Peppermint has a cooling, clearing effect on the mind, enabling one to think more calmly, alertly, and with greater clarity. Very good for when you've been working too long at some mental task and need to clear your head.

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