Energy Patterns for June 2014

Major Waveform Patterns:

Jun 1st to the 7th -- a weak and volatile time.
Jun 8th to the 12th -- a little bit of energy in there.
Jun 13th to the 17th -- another noisy transition period.
Jun 18th to the 24th -- the big "storm" of the month.
Jun 25th to the 30th -- the energies are dissipating again.

An online ephemeris for the month is available. Check Current Transits, too.

A first look at the waveforms for the month is like gazing at a featureless desert. There's little energy and structure anywhere to be seen. After the long Grand Cross storm, the sky is pooped. Since that storm fell apart in mid May , there's been no coherent pattern to hold the energies together. We're still waiting for the outer planets to rearrange themselves into the next big story in coming months. Enjoy the long intermission.

On closer inspection, there is a barely perceptible ebb and flow in the waveform that you can make out visually. This is more in the harmonics than in the actual strength of the waves, so the result is subtle and may pass unnoticed. Granted, there are a few aftershocks here and there from the Grand Cross as Mars triggers Pluto and Uranus into faint echoes of recent months, but otherwise June is a very quiet month. I'd divide the month into 5 separate energy patterns.

Jun 1st to the 7th

The 1st to the 7th is noisy and volatile, prone to change frequently during the day. The waveform varies in strength from 308 (on life support) to 423 units (still pretty weak) -- not much "oomph!" to work with here. The harmonics include a fat H12, H48 and H24 -- pleasant enough, but hard to focus or direct. The waveforms are strongest around 9-11, 14-16, 3-5 and 20 degrees of each zodiac sign -- a little bit of action for nearly everyone. There's not much aspect action going on these days, so the feeling now is rather sluggish. The Sun is contacting the remnants of the Cross (Mars, Uranus, Pluto, Saturn) these days, so you may feel your ego is on the line if you take yourself too seriously. Mercury is standing still on the 7th, so bring any mental activities to a convenient halt before the thinking mind goes south on us.

The 5 month Grand Cross storm collapsed in mid May and we've been in this kind of noisy, unstructured, lifeless wave pattern ever since. In fact, much of June looks like this and it continues into July as well. It's not really until we get to August that we start seeing signs of life once more. I've started calling this the Grand Hangover after the big Grand Cross bash. Except for brief bursts of moderate energy now and then, we seem to be on a long hiatus after the craziness of early 2014. We could use a break, but a bit of a tailwind to support our efforts would be appreciated, too. Get used to the more sluggish pace in coming weeks.

Jun 8th to the 12th

The 8th to the 12th is a little more lively, almost a real storm pattern, as some of the noise frequencies drop out and the sky looks more organized than usual. The waveform ranges from 342 to 449 units -- weak to moderate energy levels. The harmonics consist of a fat H12, H24 and H48 -- somewhat easier to work with and less scattered. The areas of emphasis are 14-17 and 21 degrees of each sign. OK, so things are a bit more lively, but that's not saying much. Most of the activity is due to Venus triggering the remnants, so you might feel some trembles in your emotional life or in some of your relationships. Neptune is standing still on the 9th, so this time has a dreamy, lazy feel that hides any difficulties from view. This haze is amplified by the Jupiter trioctile Neptune contact on the 11th. This mini-storm is falling off by the full moon on the 12th.

Jun 13th to the 17th

The 13th to the 17th is a noisy transition time. The waveform is comatose again, slumping around in the 312 to 414 unit region. The harmonics are a mix of H48 and a faint, but fat H12. The peaks are at 14-17, 22-25, 6 and 28 degrees of each sign. There's an important aftershock on the 14th when Mars squares Pluto for the last time and the Moon goes over Pluto, so be on your guard around this time. People are likely to be edgy and old grievances may come up unexpectedly. Otherwise, this period has little going on.

Jun 18th to the 24th

The 18th to the 24th is a moderate storm, the strongest influence all month. The waveform varies from 340 to 469 units, weak to moderate intensity levels. The harmonics are H24, H4, H48 and H12 -- more organized perhaps, but the difficulties are more obvious as well. The peak areas are at 14-16 and 28-2 (across the sign cusps) degrees. Venus is the trigger planet once more, so the emotional sphere may be up in the air. In particular, there's tension between lovers, which doesn't necessarily have to be something difficult. Be more experimental and daring than you're used to, as this is a good time to break out of the ruts we all fall into occasionally. You're probably handling things well if you're still having fun.

The high point of the energies in June is this moderate storm pattern just before the solstice. It's Venus again triggering the old remnants, though this time the connecting aspects are mostly of the challenging variety. You may be more energized and organized than before, but so are the complications and distractions you meet along the way. We feel moody and somewhat anxious as we subliminally respond to the roadblocks in our path. Mars is triggering Uranus and Pluto these days as well, which adds to the stress and tension we feel. Put your efforts to constructive use the next few days. Otherwise, you'll just drive yourself crazy. Stay as calm as possible.

Jun 25th to the 30th

FInally, the 25th to the end of the month is a time when this storm is falling off and slowly dissipating. The waveform is in the 337 to 460 unit range, still in the weak to moderate range. The harmonics are a now familiar H24, H48 and H12 -- rough and scattered. The areas of emphasis are 6-10, 15-17 and 25 degrees of each sign. This period starts with another aftershock, as Mars opposes Uranus on the 25th. Tempers may be on edge, so count to ten before reacting or flying off the handle. With Uranus, it's always preferable to look for the humorous angle in a situation rather than taking matters so seriously. The new moon is on the 27th, so this is a good time to kick off new projects. Or at least think about it, since Mercury is standing still again on Jul 1. The Sun and Venus are contacting Neptune on the 29th, so the dreamy haze is coming back for a few days. This pattern continues into early July.