Energy Patterns for December 2012

Major Waveform Patterns:

Dec 1st to the 6th -- end of the big November storm.
Dec 7th to the 14th -- an out-of-sorts time.
Dec 15th to the 23rd -- the Galactic storm checks in!
Dec 24th to the 26th -- some down time to let it all in.
Dec 27th to the 31st -- back for more action.

An online ephemeris for the month is available. Check Current Transits, too.

December is nowhere near as potent as November, but there are several significant storms. As mentioned earlier, the backbone of all this activity are the two interlocking Yods consisting of Saturn, Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter; throw in Chiron for good measure. This outer planet pattern is rather diffuse early in the month, but pulls together remarkably as we approach the solstice. Further, the fast moving inner planets are repeatedly triggering this backbone the last two weeks, when the waveforms are most active. There are 5 main energy patterns to discuss.

Dec 1st to the 6th

The 1st to the 6th is the tail end of the huge storm that closed out November. The waveform is already cooling off, but at 315 to 526 units, it's still got some "oomph!" left. The harmonics consist of H6, H12, H24 and H48 -- mostly quite positive, but there's still a few rough edges in there. The areas of emphasis include 6-9, 12-16 and 25 degrees of each zodiac sign -- check your birth chart to see where this hits you. There's a lot of inner planet action going on early in this period, with Venus conjunct Saturn, Mars conjunct Pluto (ouch!) and the Sun opposite Jupiter; the Moon joins in from time to time. This is an intense influence, perhaps even on the verge of being overwhelming. Unfortunately, this is energy that is on the wane, so don't rely on getting much of a tailwind now. Scale back on your efforts and realize that you may be under the sway of forces beyond your control.

Dec 7th to the 14th

The 7th to the 14th is an intermittent mixture of storm and transition waveforms that hardly gets its act together. The waveform is in the 301 to 455 unit region -- weak to moderate levels. The harmonics are mostly H24, H48, H4 and H12 -- generally weak, scattered and somewhat harsh. The energies are focused at 4-8, 0-2 and 16 degrees of each sign. Paradoxically, there are more aspects going off this week than last week, but the overall effect is much less organized. Most of the trigger contacts are through Venus and Mercury, so pay attention to passing feelings and thoughts that come your way. You may get some great, unexpected hints this way. Things start to pick up around the 13th, when Uranus goes direct and the new moon starts a new lunar month. It's a good time to start up new plans and phase them in gradually.

Dec 15th to the 23rd

The 15th to the 23rd is the major storm of the month. The waveform cranks up to 378 to 571 unit strength levels, moderate to intense energies. The harmonics are a mix of H12, H4, H24 and H48 -- still constructive, but getting more difficult than before. The energies are mostly in the 7-9 and 24-27 degree regions. The Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Yod comes alive this week, with 3 "big aspects" between them on the 20th, 22nd and 26th. On top of that, Mercury and then Venus kick it into overdrive. The most powerful Koz Alert of the month is on the 18th, just after the Sun makes its annual conjunction with the Galactic Center, a subtle, but potent influence in its own right. Of course, this leads into the solstice on the 21st, the subject of so much speculation. Work with these transformative energies as best you can.

Dec 24th to the 26th

The storm takes a breather between the 24th to the 26th. The waveform is more moderate and less organized, ranging from 344 to 448 units. The harmonics include a fat H12 and some H48, a rather chaotic mixture. The peaks fall at 7-9, 0 and 20 degrees of each sign. Things quiet down a little, but they never really go to sleep. The really big influence is the Saturn-Pluto sextile on the 26th, the last of the Yod aspects. Any connection between these two planets has the potential to be dramatic and fateful, although the sextile is probably the least troublesome of such contacts. It may cast an emotional pall over the holidays -- these planets are usually party poopers. On the other hand, it's a good time to deal with serious matters or look at the more important issues in your life, if the mood hits. It's OK to be still inside or want to be alone.

Dec 27th to the 31st

The 27th to the end of the month shows a return of the storm, though the waveform is noisier and somewhat weaker than before. The energies are in the 339 to 506 unit region -- still plenty of power. The harmonics are a familiar blend of H12, H4, H48 and H24 -- mostly positive, but with an element of stress and friction just below the surface. The emphasized degrees are 7-9, 0 and 23 degrees. It's the Sun that is triggering the Yod this time around, including the ever important Sun-Pluto conjunction on the 30th. The serious mood continues, so you may find yourself making a sober assessment of your life. Don't get too uptight about the details. If Congress is still haggling over the fiscal cliff negotiations, talks will likely be breaking down as we head into the deadlines in the new year. A little stoicism in the face of problems you can't do anything about is better than getting all worked up emotionally. Don't let "life" spoil your new year's celebrations. We'll still be seeing the Yod at work as we head into January...