Energy Patterns for March 2012

Major Waveform Patterns:

Mar 1st to the 8th -- a mild, ragged looking storm.
Mar 9th to the 16th -- a raging Koz Quake storm!
Mar 17th to the 25th -- falling apart and losing steam.
Mar 26th to the end of the month -- quiet, scattered and rough.

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

The early part of 2012 is a time of transition. As the outer planet group that has been the backbone of so many storms the last year breaks up, new themes and patterns begin to take it's place. March almost seems like a contest between these new factions to see which one becomes the new storm-maker. This is the main reason many of the waveforms this month look so ragged and noisy. If anything, most of the big peaks in March involve Pluto, not the usual gang, so the month will have a different feel than we've gotten used to over the last year. I see 4 main energy patterns this month.

Mar 1st to the 8th

The 1st to the 8th can generously be described as a ragged looking storm. The waveform varies in strength from 376 to 499 units of energy -- I wouldn't underestimate this moderate to powerful pattern. The harmonics consist of a noisy mixture of H12, H24, H48 and H6 -- somewhat scattered energy that is still useful to work with. The tallest peaks drift across the zodiac sign borders from 28 degrees of one sign to about 1 degree of the next; 4-6 and 9 degrees are also emphasized. Check your own birth chart to see if you're in the line of fire for any of these regions. The fact that the peaks in this waveform are double hints at the underlying battle between distinct groups of planets. In one of these patterns, Mercury and Venus combine with Uranus and Neptune, the remnants of the old energy. The second group is potentially more difficult in a practical way. The Sun is opposite Mars, Venus is opposite Saturn, and these two arms are connected by 45 degree aspects. That's two classically beneficial planets bumping up against two of the more difficult ones; the aspects are all stressful. You may notice this one in your day-to-day contacts with people. Unexpected friction can mar otherwise pleasant times with friends, so don't let little issues blow up out of proportion. At least the energies are generally moderate in strength, so navigating these cross currents shouldn't be too hard.

The first thing that catches my eye about this waveform is how all the peaks are spiky, split into smaller peaks on top of the main ones. This typically happens when there are several groups of planets in the sky that are independent of each other. The tall spikes near the sign boundaries (0 degrees) are the result of two groups, loosely connected. The first is a loose fan-shaped group containing Neptune, Mercury conjunct Uranus and Venus. Mercury/Uranus is an erratic mental influence, especially since Mercury will soon be retrograde. You may have lots of '"aha!'" moments of inspiration, but make sure to test the validity of these ideas as many of them may just be flights of fancy. Venus sextile Neptune effects the emotions in a similar unusual fashion. Both planets deal with heart energies, so you may feel warmer and more open to others than normal. However, Neptune can be quite ungrounded until you become familiar with his energy, so don't assume others are as attracted to you as you are to them. Sometimes, '"deep connections'" are more in the imagination than reality, so just be clear about what's going on. It doesn't hurt to start a conversation if you're uncertain and simply find out how the other person feels. This leads to the second group, with Venus opposite Saturn, Mars opposite the Sun, and the two oppositions are connected by tight 45 degree aspects. Notice that all these aspects are of the stressful and demanding kind, so this group is more troublesome than the first. Saturn acts a a cold shower for Venus, a dose of cold reality to counter her feelings of intimacy. The Sun and Mars make you want to get up and do something, but in the process of making your mark on the world, you could step on a few toes. Conflicts with others, some significant, others more subliminal, are in the air, much to the frustration of Venus and Neptune. Romantic relationships, in particular, may suffer some rough patches. Then there are the spikes around 8-9 degrees, which seem to be mostly the work of Jupiter and Pluto. We'll be seeming more of this crew in about a week as the faster moving planets cluster around them. It's a clue to build some bridges to others for your mutual benefit, but realizing that some of these connections are actually on the wane and need to be released. This is truly a complex and confusing combination of influences going on. Make of it what you can...

Mar 9th to the 16th

The 9th to the 16th is one big mother of an storm, but based on a pattern we haven't dealt with before. The waveform ranges from 386 to a whopping 614 units -- there's lots of punch in this storm! The harmonics are mostly H12, H48, H24 and H6 -- positive, but with a rough edge. The peaks are focused right at 9 degrees of each sign. The most visible part of this pattern is a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter at 9Ta33, exact on the 14th, perhaps one of the most beneficial aspects there is. But joining them are Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, forming a very tight earth sign Grand Trine. This influence could go several ways, depending upon your skill at using the energies. Paradoxically, it's best if you put these vibes to work on some practical, down to earth project, but one that you aren't invested in at an ego level. Earth energies demand something tangible that you can point to at the end. It can also show up in your relationships, especially of a romantic kind where it stirs up deep urges and drives. If your ego takes the upper hand, Pluto may cause everything to backfire on you. Use this time well!

Sometime around the 9th or 10th, there's a big shift in the energies as a large gang of planets coalesces around Jupiter and Pluto -- look to 9 degrees of each sign. Although the waveform peaks in a powerful Koz Quake today, the fireworks easily stretch until the 16th. For starters, Venus is approaching a conjunction to Jupiter on the 13th or 14th (depending upon your time zone). This is a spectacularly beautiful sight in the western sky after sunset -- I urge you to go view them this week. As they are also called the benefic planets by astrologers, this is one of the most positive aspects as well. We should be in a happier mood due to this one influence alone. Joining the conjunction by trines are Mars in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn, forming a tight and potent earth sign Grand Trine. While Mars and Pluto are good for getting some work done, they can be troublesome. This tempers the positive Venus/Jupiter vibe to a considerable extent, but it also '"toughens them up'" and gives them some direction for expression. This is the earth element -- whatever you do with this energy, have something tangible to show for your efforts. It's also a hint to keep your ego on a tight leash if you don't want to scatter your attention with annoying interpersonal conflicts or misunderstandings. Simply being more aware of others (not hard for Venus to do) can defuse most of that. At the Quake, the Moon is at 9Sc03, pushing the storm to its maximum intensity. Emotions can be off-the-wall intense during this time, so don't get caught up in any petty dramas now. There are a number of other planets that get involved with the Grand Trine (Juno, Chiron, Pallas, Mercury, Vesta), too many to fully analyze. This pattern creates a lot of aspects over the next few days, so there is apt to be a flurry of activity around the themes I mentioned above. Jupiter is trine Pluto on the 12th, followed by a half dozen other aspects, especially on the 14th (a very busy day!). Late on the 15th, the Moon in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto, tapping into the deep unconscious in some potent ways. One last hint: the tallest peaks through most of this storm are at 9 degrees Capricorn, right on top of Pluto. This is a highly transformational time, even if you haven't a clue what's happening. Stay centered and remember to breathe -- you'll come through fine. Don't waste this storm on anything frivolous, however...

Mar 17th to the 25th

The 17th to the 25th shows the big storm cooling off and losing coherence. The waveform is in the 363 to 502 unit range, still moderately strong most of the time. The harmonics are a mix of a fat H12, H48, H24 and some H4 -- it's getting harder to get good results now. The emphasized areas are 0-2 and 5-9 degrees. We're back on some old, familiar territory with this pattern. The Sun, Mercury and Venus join with Uranus and Neptune in a fan-shaped picture that accentuates the more refined sides of both thought and feeling. By now, Mercury is quite retrograde as well as conjunct Uranus, so the poor thinking mind is thoroughly confused! The heart is only slightly better off. Explore this time tentatively, without jumping to premature conclusions, as you may have to change your point of view frequently. The new moon on the 22nd is especially powerful in this regard.

Mar 26th to the end of the month

Finally, the 26th to the end of the month is quiet, scattered and rough. The waveform cools off slightly to the 374 to 477 unit region. The harmonics are mostly H24 and H48, so don't expect things to go smoothly at all. The peaks drift from 6 to 11 degrees of each sign during this time; 25 degrees is also active. There are a number of separate stories going on here (which is why the waveform is so scattered), but the main one is Pluto once more: he's square the Sun, trioctile Venus and quintile Saturn. You may get your ego bruised or your feelings hurt once or twice, nothing serious. If you can stand back from the universe's running commentary on your life and not take it personally, you may actually glean some useful insights into the direction you're heading. Relax if you get the chance. The lull continues into early April...