Energy Patterns for May 2007

Major Waveform Patterns:

May 1st to the 7th -- the big April storm is settling down, but still kicking.
May 8th to the 13th -- the peaks are splitting and getting harsher.
May 14th to the 17th -- finally, some down time!
May 18th to the 26th -- the next storm erupts into our lives.
May 27th to the end of the month -- losing steam at last.

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

The waveforms this month are mostly an endless stream of storm after storm. There's hardly any let up in the action to speak of -- even the transition periods will grab your attention. The May storms are essentially a continuation of the April storms, since they are based on the same Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune backbone that appears locked in place. All it takes is a few of the faster moving planets and a favorable Moon passage and the day goes into overdrive. Get ready for a long, demanding, but possibly quite fruitful month. There are 5 main energy patterns in May.

May 1st to the 7th

The 1st to the 7th is the tail end of the huge storm that blossomed in late April. The waveform varies in strength from 385 to 486 units -- not as powerful as the 4-27 near Koz Quake, but much easier to handle in the long run. The harmonics in this waveform consist mainly of H12 and H48 -- generally very constructive and straightforward energies. The main area activated by this pattern is focused at 18-20 degrees of each zodiac sign, with secondary points of emphasis at 9 and 28 degrees. Mercury and the Sun are provoking that outer planet backbone (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) into action. This should favor communications and other mental work, although you have to be careful. While you may feel like you're thinking clearly, I'd double check your work frequently. No, it's not a retrograde Mercury time, but with Mercury so close to the Sun these days, your thoughts may be derailed by other concerns. Besides, Uranus and Neptune are known to introduce detours into your path and cloud your judgment, while Saturn is intolerant of errors. However, this is an extremely productive time if you put in the effort, so make the most of it.

May 8th to the 13th

The 8th to the 13th is a continuation of the first pattern, although all the sharp peaks seem to be splitting into two, a symptom that the faster planets are outracing the slower ones finally. The waveform is still fairly strong, ranging from 359 to 496 units. The harmonics are a mixture of H12, H24 and H48 -- still positive overall, but gradually getting rougher and more difficult. The areas of emphasis are mainly 17-19 and 5 degrees of each sign. Events may seem more lively or in your face now, especially since Jupiter is making some "big aspects" with the other backbone planets these days. These exact aspects are usually times when the forces in the background emerge in a more dramatic or forceful manner. The minor peaks at 28 degrees reveal an important subplot to this time. Venus and Mars are accenting Pluto these days, forming a wide T-square. This is some volatile emotional energy hiding in the background. Tempers are short, desires are strong and most of it makes little sense when you stop to think about it. A T-square like this is bound to affect romantic relationships to a considerable degree, so give your partners a lot of space. If you manage to stay on each other's good side, it could be a very passionate time.

May 14th to the 17th

The 14th to the 17th is one of the few relatively quiet times all month. The waveform ranges from 321 to 456 units -- very moderate and mild energies. The harmonics include -- generally irritating and scattered, but the more pleasant harmonics take off many of the rougher edges. The main focal points are 15-18, 5-9 and 25 degrees of each sign -- quite scattered energies. It's almost a relief to see such a noisy graph -- some low key time at last! There's really very little news going on these days. The only important events appear to be Mars' transition into Aries on the 15th and the new moon on the 16th. Both of these events have the character of marking new beginnings. Some of the restrictions on our ability to marshall our energies in fresh directions are lifting, allowing us some freedom to move past old blockages. Slow down, take a deep breath, reexamine your options. Get ready for the next round of activity.

May 18th to the 26th

The 18th to the 26th is a moderately strong storm once again, the most powerful pattern all month. The waveform kicks around between 351 and 510 units, a low Koz Alert. The harmonics are primarily H24, H48 and H6 -- still rough, but not completely so. The emphasized regions are 17-20, 26 and 3 degrees. Mercury, Mars and Venus are kicking off the backbone pattern once again, so our everyday lives are being markedly affected by those deeper influences. Mercury, the thinking mind, is especially active these days, so try to get your phone calls and emails in order. It's a time to expand your horizons through these contacts, even if they temporarily disrupt all your plans. Perhaps the most significant event these days is the Neptune station on the 24th, which clearly is coloring the entire last half of the month. There's a feeling of unreality in the air, a sense that our current perceptions of life are too good to be true. Neptune often pulls the wool over our eyes if we're not careful. You need to stay grounded and focused during this time as much as possible.

May 27th to the end of the month

Finally, the 27th to the end of the month shows the previous storm losing steam and beginning to settle down. The highpoint of this period is a 458 unit reading on the 27th as we enter this cool-down time. Otherwise, the waveform stays in the rather limp 303 to 405 unit range. The harmonics include H24, H48 and H12, with increasing amounts of noise as we head into June. The focal points are near 10, 19-21 and 27 degrees of each sign. Once again, we see the storms quiet down and lose some of their punch, but without that backbone pattern totally disappearing. There's not much going on these days, except for the second full moon of the month on the 31st. Maybe this time we'll actually get a break for awhile. Early June looks much quieter than we've seen for several months now. Deep exhale...