Energy Patterns for January 2005

Major Waveform Patterns:

Jan 1st to the 6th -- a substantial storm to start the new year.
Jan 7th to the 11th -- a dreamier time to kick back.
Jan 12th to the 15th -- a complex mini-storm.
Jan 16th to the 19th -- not much juice here.
Jan 20th to the 29th -- the big blow of the month!
Jan 30th to the end of the month -- falling off once again.

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

January is a rather typical cycle of storms (some quite spectacular!) followed by transitions, except that the cycle is moving faster than usual. We actually fit in 3 storm patterns. The storms are generally triggered by Mercury and Venus connecting with loose outer planet groupings, which should have big effects on us at the levels of our thoughts and feelings. Curiously, most of the really big Koz Alerts seem to happen at mid-day while we're out and about in the world, not late at night when you're in bed, so you may have to deal with more chaos than usual during the day. There appears to be 6 distinct energy patterns this month.

Jan 1st to the 6th

The 1st to the 6th is a substantial and well-formed storm. The energies of this waveform vary from 391 units to a high of 508 (low Koz Alert) on the 4th -- this storm is in high gear most of the week. The principal harmonics include H12, H24, H2 and H48 -- generally positive and constructive, though there's a wild side here that can sometimes take you by surprise. The energies are mostly focused at 20 to 24 and 3 to 5 degrees of each zodiac sign -- see if you have any of your natal planets in these power zones. After two slow days for the new year's weekend, this storm takes off quickly. We have Mercury and Venus traipsing over Pluto's head (not a wise thing to do) and tickling Saturn via a quincunx. This is a preview of the Saturn-Pluto quincunx coming later on the 19th, giving us a taste of things to come. Frankly, this may be one of the more unpleasant storms in January. Be careful if you find resistance to any of your activities, as you may be unleashing some forces that are best left alone. Proceed slowly and carefully if you want to see better results.

Jan 7th to the 11th

The 7th to the 11th is what's leftover after the first storm breaks up. Actually, the storm never completely falls apart, so this transition period is stronger and better organized than normal. The waveform varies in strength from 379 to 478 units -- moderate and fairly comfortable energy levels. The harmonics include H24, H12, H48, H2, with the more dissonant and stressful frequencies dominating this period. The areas of emphasis are 16 to 18 and 25 degrees of each zodiac sign. The big planet during this period seems to be Neptune. This casts a dreamy fog over the next few days, which may come as relief after the storm. It's more a time to relax and catch your breath rather than attempting big projects. Your judgment is probably a bit off, so this isn't a good time for making important decisions either. Kick back -- the world will wait for you.

Jan 12th to the 15th

The 12th to the 15th is a brief, little storm. The waveform varies widely in strength from 327 (nearly comatose) to 484 units (moderately active without being crazy). The harmonics consist of H12, H6, H24 and H48 -- again, mostly positive, though rough at times. The energies are focused at 21 to 24 and 4 to 6 degrees. This quick storm blows out of nowhere and is gone in a few days. Mercury and Venus are teaming up with Uranus and the Moon on the 13th, while the Sun is directly opposite Saturn (and hence picking up Pluto as well). This is a complex and unpredictable combination, so it's best to approach this time with few expectations. A light and cheerful attitude will make the surprises more pleasant and useful to you.

Jan 16th to the 19th

The 16th to the 19th is definitely a transition period. The waveform droops down to the 311 to 400 unit range, becoming very misshapen and disorganized in the process. The main harmonics (H24, H48, H12) are more chaotic looking than we've seen so far. The taller peaks point towards 12 to 16 and 22 to 25 degrees. Except for the Saturn-Pluto quincunx on the 19th, there's not particularly much going on now. Maybe that's enough to handle. If you're feeling low energy now, give yourself a break. This is a rough time for anyone trying to get anything done. Personally, I'd wait a few days until the energies pick up.

Jan 20th to the 29th

The 20th to the 29th is the major storm of the month -- and it comes at such an "historical" time! Late on the 20th (after the inauguration), the storm kicks off into overdrive. The energies range from 358 to 571 units of strength -- quite a powerful Koz Alert there (for several days)! The harmonics include H4, H12, H24 and H2 -- the difficult freqencies are giving the more positive ones a real run for the money. The tall storm peaks drift from 18 to 23 degrees during this time, activating everything in their path. There's a little bit of everything thrown into this mix, particularly with the outer planets, so it's tough to describe this energy adequately. It's strong, it's deep acting, it's a little nuts, it makes it hard to stay on your feet. The biggest blast is on the 26th, just after the full moon, so people may be rather stressed out -- give them (and yourself) some slack. If you're prone to losing your temper easily, it's important to chill out now, with Mars conjunct Pluto (ouch!). Slow down and be patient -- you'll get through this storm.

Jan 30th to the end of the month

Finally, the 30th to the end of the month is another transition period. Somebody just let all the air out of the tires for the previous storm! The energies drop down to the 391 to 465 unit range -- considerably calmer. The harmonics are mostly H48, H12 and H24 -- scattered and non-constructive. There's some emphasis around 24 and 7 degrees of each sign. That big sucking sound you hear is the storm collapsing. Such a dramatic change in energies is often felt as a big "let down" feeling -- it's often harder to cope with the transition than the storm itself. Take it easy (unless you're trying to vote in Iraq...). This low energy pattern continues a few more days into early February.