Energy Patterns for June 2003

Major Waveform Patterns:

Jun 1st to the 5th -- the tail-end of the big May storm.
Jun 6th to the 9th -- some weak down-time between the action.
Jun 10th to the 15th -- the first blast of heavy energy.
Jun 16th to the 19th -- time to reshuffle the patterns.
Jun 20th to the end of the month -- the strongest blast of the year (so far).

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

There seem to be 5 major energy patterns in June, according to the A5 Spectrum technique. We get about 9 or 10 days of relative downtime at the start of the month, though the remainder of June is pretty much a series of storms. Fortunately, the harmonics in these waveforms are not as harsh as the ones in May, so despite the crazy forcefulness of the patterns, they should be a bit easier to work with.

Jun 1st to the 5th

The 1st to the 5th is the weak letdown period after the big storm that closed out May. The energies cool off to the 345 to 451 unit region -- we could use a time that feels somewhat low key about now. The harmonics in this waveform include H48, H12, H4 and some nondescript noise -- on the rough side, but not completely so. Most of the energies are concentrated around 13 to 17 degrees of each zodiac sign -- check where this hits your own birthchart. This is a time to finish up the outstanding business of May, since the Jupiter-Neptune opposition goes off one last time on the 2nd. Start gearing up for the Saturn passage into Cancer on the 3rd, as well, causing us to make an important change in where we focus our attention. Otherwise, this is a much needed relaxation time to gather your strength again -- we've been stressed out for a long time. Don't push yourself too hard.

Jun 6th to the 9th

The 6th to the 9th is a transition period, setting the stage for the coming storms. The waveform is quite weak, in the 328 to 432 unit area -- no "oomph!" here! The harmonics are quite noisy, mostly H24 and H48, so don't expect situations to go smoothly. The main areas of emphasis are from 26 degrees of one sign to 1 degree of the next and 14 to 17 degrees of each sign. Despite the low energies now, I suspect this period will have more of a kick than you'd expect. Between the Uranus station on the 7th and a Sun -Pluto opposition on the 9th, there are some powerful planets looking over our shoulders these days. Keep an eye out for unexpected developments, since they are likely to be dominant themes for you for some time to come. Roll with the changes and don't get upset over things. Big shifts are coming soon.

Jun 10th to the 15th

The 10th to the 15th is the first of the two big storms this month. This is the smaller of the two, reaching strength levels of 370 to 536 units (a low Koz Alert). The harmonics are mostly H24, H4 and H12 -- pretty demanding vibes. The areas of emphasis include 0 to 2 and 18 degrees of each sign. Uranus is being kicked into overdrive this week, being activated by Mercury, Venus and Mars. It's time to take some of those surprises life is dishing out and begin working with them. This is a good influence for mental work that needs attention, especially if it involves expressing some deeper or more profound insight than is usual. Don't get caught up in the crazy, fast paced action around you -- try to maintain a calm perspective.

As you can tell from the 4 big peaks, there's a powerful T-square active today. Mercury and Venus (both in Gemini) are opposite a Sagittarius Moon and square Mars and Uranus. This is an early foretaste of the major mayhem coming up later this month. Fortunately, as T-squares go, the mutable sign version is one of the easier ones to handle, and most of these planets are "light weights" anyway, so this influence is more invigorating than aggravating. It strikes me as a lovely time for artistic or literary pursuits, so you might want to channel your efforts in that direction. Do something agreeable with others and avoid anything that might antagonize them -- it could make for quite a stimulating evening. Enjoy!

Jun 16th to the 19th

The 16th to the 19th is somewhat calmer, as the storm pauses to reorganize itself for the next big blow. The waveform cools off slightly to the 366 to 480 unit range. The harmonics shift to H12, H48 and some H4, a sign that the energies are feeling a bit milder finally. The peaks are focused at 0 to 2 and 11 to 13 degrees. There's little activity in the sky these days, giving this period a calmer mood, but we are quickly building to a huge peak in the action. You may feel like your ability to act and respond is being dimmed, with Mars entering Pisces, but there is also an increase in nervous, edgy energy going on. This may show up as a kind of moodiness or lack of focus. Start gearing up for the next storm.

Jun 20th to the end of the month

The 20th to the end of the month is one heck of a storm pattern. The waveforms range from 386 to 590 units in strength, the most potent wave we've seen all year. The harmonics are mostly H24 and H6, with some pesky H48 showing up after the 28th -- difficult, but with a constructive side to it. Energies peak at 0 to 4 and 13 to 18 degrees of each sign. We'll be talking about this energy a lot this month, as many of the important astrological events of June take place during this time. We're seeing many of the existing structures and forms in our lives being strained to the breaking point, but in a way that makes room for future growth. You may find many of your "emotional buttons" being pushed, forcing you to reevaluate many of your emotional attachments. The biggest fireworks are centered around the 24th, when many of the important aspects in this pattern become exact. Stay disciplined but flexible, and channel your efforts constructively to avoid giving into anger. There's a tendency for people to flip out or lose it now -- don't be one of them. This pattern is starting to dissipate as we head into July.

Around the time of the summer solstice, all hell breaks loose. The Sun joins Saturn in Cancer, Mars and Uranus come together in Pisces, and the Moon darts in and out of the mixture. In addition, Jupiter and Neptune play supporting roles in this pattern. The aspects are tight and about 9 or 10 aspects become exact in only a few days time, creating quite a fireworks display! Remember that Mars, Saturn and Uranus are usually considered difficult planets to work with, so this pattern is likely to have some unpleasant surprises for us. The Mars-Uranus conjunction and Saturn-Uranus trine (on the 23rd and 24th, resp.) could be especially trying. Just ride whatever wave comes your way (as if you had any choice) and stay calm and clear headed. It all works out in the end.