Energy Patterns for October 2001

Major Waveform Patterns:

Oct 1st to the 10th -- the energies kick into overdrive!
Oct 11th to the 17th -- a much needed lull in the action.
Oct 18th to the 30th -- round 2 of the big storm pattern.
Oct 31 -- time to go quiet inside.

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

There are 2 long and intense planetary storms in October, based on the potent Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto pattern that I was calling "the giant" last month. If anything, that influence is more powerful than ever. We do get a small reprieve after each storm, but even with these rest times, it should be a challenging month. Technically speaking, the harmonics in these storm patterns are mostly friendly and helpful. However, the planets involved are not well-known for being kindly, so brace yourself for a long ride. I see 4 main energy patterns in October.

Oct 1st to the 10th

The 1st to the 10th is the main body of the planetary storm that checked in around Sep 30. Not counting the 568 unit Koz Alert on 9-30, the energies in this storm hit the 420-to-554 unit range, with many days in the Alert region -- hold onto your hats! The harmonics include H12, H4, H24 and H48 -- generally positive and constructive, although there are plenty of difficult overtones to the mixture. The main peaks are targetting 14 degrees (plus or minus a few degrees), with a secondary influence right at the boundary lines between zodiac signs (the "cusps") -- check your birthchart to see if any of your planets are in these affected areas. This is a very complex pattern involving 2 interlocking T-squares (Saturn-Pluto-Venus and Jupiter-Mars-Sun), so it's difficult to say exactly how it will play out. However, I most certainly would not underestimate its ability to totally derail your plans if you're not in the flow of things. Look at the issues coming up in your life around the full moon on the 2nd -- you'll probably find plenty of material to work on the next two weeks. Recognize that there are powerful unconscious forces at work in us that are reshaping our lives. There's a fine line between holding fast to your beliefs and surrendering to a greater power, a line that's mostly in invisible ink. There are no easy answers now, so hold onto a few good questions instead.

Oct 11th to the 17th

The 11th to the 17th is a mild transition period between storms, a time to get your bearings and catch your breath. The waveform cools off dramatically, down to the 360-420 level. The harmonics are a scattered mix of H48, H6 and H12 -- the stressful, unfocused frequencies are dominant now, while the positive ones are the overtones. The main peaks alternate between 14 and 20 degrees, a symptom that a different cast of planets is trying to get our attention. That lone dissenting voice is Uranus, a clue that life may take some pretty weird turns during this time. Take some time to relax and build up your energy again. Make some space for the unexpected detours that come your way. They are an excellent means for jumping out of the ruts we sink into. It's probably a good time to lose yourself in some good, old fashioned physical labor as a way to discharge powerful energies going through our bodies. Just don't get attached to results, which may be meager now.

Oct 18th to the 30th

The 18th to the 30th is the second major storm this month. The waveforms grow in intensity to the 400-553 territory -- back in the whirlwind! The harmonics include H12, H6, H36 and some H24 -- pretty favorable overall. The main peaks in the waveform are at 14 degrees again; 24-27 and 4-6 degrees are also somewhat emphasized. Once more, this is a complicated pattern involving at least 6 or 7 planets, so the actual results you experience may vary. This pattern is more action oriented, but your activities may be severely constrained by external influences. There's a lot of dynamic tension in the air now, akin to being suspended between two diametrically opposed realities. It may be very hard to make sense of anything for a time -- you have to operate on blind faith, as it were. Your mental faculties may be on the fritz, so try to remain as "concrete" as possible and avoid idle speculation.

Oct 31

Finally, the storm subsides on the 31st and into November, so take another breather. The waveform settles down into the quiet 350-400 range. The harmonics are mostly H48 and H6 -- scattered and unfocused, but not too bad. If there's any emphasis in these graphs at all, it lies near 15 degrees. A little inner quiet and reflectiveness may be in order, since Neptune the Dreamer is active now. There may be an intense pull towards things that are intangible or otherworldly, so let your imagination roam. We are through the most potent parts of the giant for now (until next May), so relax. We've taken in a tremendous amount of planetary energy this month -- give yourself the quiet to assimilate it all.