Energy Patterns for July 2001

Major Waveform Patterns:

Jul 1st to the 5th -- more mild stuff.
Jul 6th to the 12th -- a listless transition time.
Jul 13th to the 23rd -- the main storm all month.
Jul 24th to the end of the month -- a break in the action.

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

The variations in the energy waveforms this month are nowhere as extreme as they were in June. The energies are mostly moderate in intensity, which is a relief after the Koz Quakes of June. However, the harmonics in these waveforms, the basic frequencies that determine the quality or mood of the energies, are generally quite stressful and demanding. In plain terms, that means it could feel like a rough month, even without a major storm. Although the waveform changes shape frequently this month, there appear to be 4 important energy patterns to discuss.

Jul 1st to the 5th

The 1st to the 5th is a continuation of the mild planetary storm that started Jun 26. This is a force of moderate intensity, so don't sweat it. The harmonics are pretty stressful and challenging stuff. The waveforms are concentrating their power around 27 and 12 degrees of each zodiac sign -- check if your birthchart has any planets near these degrees! The overall planetary influence now is mild in strength, difficult in mood, and highly focussed. The planets Mars and Pluto are quite active now, which gives a driven, aggressive feeling to our interactions with others. Make sure to give each other extra slack. This period culminates in the full moon/lunar eclipse on the 5th, so the results of this period may not appear for many months yet. Keep lines of communication open as much as possible now, since it's way too easy to fall into disagreements with others.

Jul 6th to the 12th

The 6th to the 12th is a long, aimless transition time. The waveform can be very weak at times, so don't expect there to be much cosmic support for your actions. The list of harmonics is one of the wildest mixtures I've seen in years. I noticed an H36 , H24, H3 (a very rare harmonic!), H4 and a lot of noise -- truly a chaotic mix that will keep us guessing. There's two main things to say about this period. First, as a transition period, there's not much planetary energy to back you up, so don't expect to get a lot accomplished. Generally, transition times are for kicking back a bit and recharging your batteries. Do the least you can to get by and don't attempt any projects that require immediate results (you'll probably be disappointed). Second, as changeable as this period is, expect the unexpected. Situations may vary greatly from day-to-day and there are no "givens" to fall back on. Rest up and get ready for the next round of action.

Jul 13th to the 23rd

The 13th to the 23rd is a mild planetary storm, the strongest pattern all month. The waveform ranges from 380 to 513 units of strength, still pretty moderate. The harmonics are uniformly difficult and challenging. The waveform is emphasizing 13 and 27 degrees of each sign. Be prepared for a demanding time. It's great if you can focus on some work or project that requires your disciplined attention (especially if you can work alone), but things get sticky if you have to relate to others often. The main planetary pattern now is Venus and Saturn opposite Mars and Pluto -- 3 of the least pleasant planets in the sky are active now. It's easy for tempers to flare or cold animosities to simmer, poisoning our interactions with people. You have to be extra careful to keep petty emotions out of the picture. If you stay focussed, the results will be more favorable.

Jul 24th to the end of the month

Finally, the 24th to the end of the month is a lull in the action. The waveform is rather weak, though I don't really consider this a true transition period. The harmonics are still rather stressful. The main points of emphasis are around 3 and 16 degrees of each zodiac sign. This is a noisy, scattered time, making it hard to concentrate or channel your efforts constructively. However, the planets involved are more light-hearted than during the storm, so this period should still feel like a relief (in relative terms). The big time to watch out for is on the 30th, when the Moon goes over Mars and Pluto, activating the hard-core energy once more. This period continues into early August.