Energy Patterns for December 2000

Major Waveform Patterns:

Dec 1st to the 7th -- a quiet and scattered time.
Dec 8th to the 15th -- a mild-mannered storm pattern.
Dec 16th to the 19th -- another breather.
Dec 20th to the 28th -- the big Christmas storm plus eclipse!
Dec 29th to the end of the month -- a quiet new years.

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

There are 5 major energy patterns in the A5 Spectrum for December. This includes 2 planetary storms, one of them sizable. Much of the rest of the month is scattered, non-descript energies, making it hard to focus or get anything done.

Dec 1st to the 7th

The 1st to the 7th is a continuation of the quiet transition time that closed out November. This waveform is relatively weak, noisy and drifting, which pretty much describes how the energy should feel. The main harmonics include H48, H24, and some H6 after 12-5 -- scattered and difficult. The 3 and 27 degree areas of each zodiac sign receive a slight emphasis. This initial period is overshadowed by the annual Sun-Pluto conjunction on the 4th. This contact seems to churn up the unconscious mind, bringing old hurts and problems to the surface in a dramatic fashion. You get to see "the dark side" of your life in stark relief. While it's a good influence to help you understand the hidden sides of your behavior, it makes it tough to relate to others who are similarly freaking out. Take it easy with each other, since everyone's feelings are rather raw this week.

Dec 8th to the 15th

The 8th to the 15th is a mild storm. The waveform increases subtly in strength. The harmonics are stressful much of the time, but definitely more focused than last week was. The main peaks point to 4 and 18 degrees. Despite the rough harmonics, the planets in this pattern (Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune) are pretty pleasant and helpful, so this energy may feel nicer than the waveform suggests. While making it easy to get any tasks done, it's just as likely that a lazy, dreamy mood will dominate your situation and persuade you to take some time off and have a good time. We could all stand some R&R these days, so don't think twice about indulging yourself some. Just don't squander all of this period and have nothing to show for it.

Dec 16th to the 19th

The 16th to the 19th is another weak transition period. The waveform cools off again -- no oomph now! The harmonics shift to H48, H24, H12 and H4 -- stressful and draining. There's a slight build-up of energy at 27 degrees. This low-key time could go one of two ways. More positively, it could be a time to become very quiet inside and out, tuning into subtle energies and inspirations that are normally swamped by everyday concerns. This galactic contact opens us up to an understanding of ourselves that far exceeds our current beliefs. Just as likely, a ton of petty, mundane issues will clamor for attention at once (especially responsibilities that simply have to be looked at), effectively distracting you from getting more introspective. You might get some of this busy work done now, with emphasis on the "some", but don't let them totally crowd out the "other worldly" side of this time.

Dec 20th to the 28th

The 20th to the 28th is the main planetary storm of December. The waveform quickly swells in power, ranging from 400 units to a whopping 571 on Christmas Day. The main harmonics are H24, H4, H8 and H12 -- it can resemble being side-swiped by a Mack truck. The points of emphasis under the peaks are at 2 degrees (actually 27 degrees early on, moving over to 4 degrees by the end of the storm) and 18 degrees. This storm builds quickly, producing a series of powerful Koz Alerts (each above 550!) by the 22nd and peaking on Christmas Day just before the solar eclipse. There's a tendency for long stagnant situations to be totally shaken up these days. Some very practical insights in these areas may come to you if you stand back abit and look at the bigger picture. Expect to be very busy, as the world speeds up and takes you along for the ride -- in fact, plan ahead for it. Try to simplify your schedule now, as something "out of the blue" may require much of your attention. You have to think on your feet and wait until later to figure out how you felt about things -- this energy demands quick responses from us. It's a good time to take some vacation.

Dec 29th to the end of the month

The 29th to the end of the month is yet another transition period. The waveforms shrink down to the 340-430 unit level, taking the pressure off us. The harmonics are rough and scattered. There's some minor focusing at 10 and 25 degrees. The ragged appearance of these waveforms shows the collapse of the Christmas storm -- that wild energy is history now. It's time to relax and enjoy the rest of the holiday season, taking a respite from your everyday cares. Take a breather -- 2000 has been quite a ride...