Energy Patterns for February 2000

Major Waveform Patterns:

Feb 1st to the 6th -- a mild storm after a lull.
Feb 7th to the 15th -- a quiet time to catch up to yourself.
Feb 16th to the 21st -- the next storm checks in.
Feb 22nd to the end of the month - get ready for a rough ride!

An online ephemeris for the month is available.

According to the A5 Spectrum, there's almost always strong planetary activity this month (except for the second week). Most of February is some kind of moderate to sizable planetary storm pattern, usually with an attitude. There are 4 main energy patterns to consider.

Feb 1st to the 6th

The 1st to the 6th is a mild storm pattern after the lull at the end of January. The waveform increases dramatically, bopping around between 350 and 500 units of aspect strength -- the old intensity knob on our lives is quickly yanked to the right! The main harmonics in the graph are somewhat difficult, but with a silver lining. The peaks are somewhat ragged looking (except around the eclipse on the 5th), with the energies focused on 12 and 27 degrees of each zodiac sign. Check where these critical degrees lie in your own birthchart and whether they affect any of your natal planets. There's great potential during this time for your life to be upset, as Saturn, Chiron, Pluto and later Uranus are all being activated now. As the energy picks up, prepare yourself for a high "chaos factor" that will tend to knock you out of your ruts (even the comfortable ones). The eclipse time could be particularly hectic. Situations probably aren't under your control much anyway, so remain open to any shifts in the wind you encounter.

Feb 7th to the 15th

The 7th to the 15th looks like one long transition period. The waveform cools down to the 300 to 400 unit range -- not much oomph here! The harmonics indicate rough, disorganized and distracting energy. This is a highly changeable time, so it's hard to make generalizations about it. It doesn't appear to be highly productive, however, so perhaps it's best to kick back and relax, if possible. With Mars and Jupiter both changing signs now, new directions won't be obvious until after the dust settles. Take some time off.

Feb 16th to the 21st

The 16th to the 21st is another mild storm. The energy cranks up again, to 380-500 units -- the lazy mood shifts over to a whirlwind once more. The harmonics hint this is one of those "mostly challenging" situations. The main degrees of emphasis are 0 and 15 degrees of each zodiac sign, though the peaks are moving forward in the zodiac fairly quickly. The energy is still a bit scattered and doesn't really get its act together until the next period, but already the storm is packing quite a punch. Despite the rough harmonics, this may well be one of the easiest periods all month. All the most beneficial planets (Sun, Venus, Jupiter) are all active now, making situations feel smoother and more rewarding. The main downside of these friendly planets is they tend to be on the lazy side, as though good luck is their due, not a gift. If you apply yourself, slowly and with optimism, good results are easily bought about. Just don't sit back and wait for the goodies without putting in the work, however -- things will pass you by.

Feb 22nd to the end of the month

The 22nd to the end of the month continues the previous storm pattern, with a few minor variations. The waveform is consistently more powerful than the last period. The harmonics are a complex mix of H12, H24, H48 and H6 -- a bit more positive of a mood than earlier in the month. The points of emphasis have shifted to the 10-13 degree area of each zodiac sign. This storm pattern starts out weak and slow, with fat peaks (indicating the planets aren't working together smoothly yet), and takes its time getting organized. By the 27th, it's going strong and will continue well into March. This time contains one of the strongest planetary groupings all month, a quick bombardment of Saturn and Pluto by the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars). The aspects come fast and furious the last 3 days of February, so get ready to hit the ground running and make the most of this energy. It may feel somewhat depressing or demanding on occasion (Saturn and Pluto can be pretty "heavy" energies), but if you're making tangible changes in your life now, this should be minimized. This waveform is still in full swing on the 29th and into March.