Current Transits for October 1998

Here's some of the important astrological news this month ...


The Logjam
Full Moon at 12Ar23, 10-5
Mars enters Virgo, 10-7
Ceres Retrograde Station at 13Gm30, 10-10
Neptune Direct Station at 29Cp23, 10-11
Juno enters Scorpio, 10-15
Jupiter trine Chiron, 10-16
Uranus Direct Station at 8Aq48, 10-18
New Moon at 26Li49, 10-20
Saturn reenters Aries, 10-25
Saturn square Neptune, 10-31

General Outlook for the Month

October is an odd mixture of transformative influences and "stuck" energies. Generally when this happens, situations that seem to be going nowhere become extremely demanding of your time and energies, creating a huge build-up of frustration or irritation. Alternatively, other situations can be changing quicker than your ability to adapt or cope. Either way, you feel the pressure. Much of this emotional steam that's building up comes from the inside, since most of the important planetary patterns feature the outer, unconscious planets -- deep inner forces are at work in the psyche. Our "normal" view of everyday life is getting rather frayed around the edges -- life can feel pretty surreal at times. When the going gets weird, take some time off to reassess what's real and what's just your over-active, stressed out imagination. Many of our problems are of our own making. Not recognizing yourself at a deeper level is often the underlying cause...

October is an action-packed time, with 3 stations, 3 sign changes and 2 big aspects. In addition, all those planets standing still at their stations produces something I call a "logjam effect" that has been happening each fall for many years now.

Between the 10th and the 20th, there are 3 bodies standing still in the sky. This unusual amount of inactivity produces a feeling of stasis or "stuck-edness" in one or more areas of our lives. When these planets start moving again later, those situations become unstuck and start changing again. The effect is like a logjam on the river that the old loggers needed to pry loose by hand to get moving once more. So if October feels like "things are going nowhere" for you or that old problems simply don't improve, no matter what you do, this is the underlying reason. Rather than continuing to butt up against this immoveable condition, step back and study the situation. Maybe you need to let go of something and allow it to pass out of your life. Maybe a change of perspective is in order. In any case, the solution is in the proper timing, not in continued fruitless effort. By November, the logjam is moving again.

There's a rare "Grand Hexagram" or 6 pointed star in the full moon chart. A star like this is a very dynamic configuration that can sweep you away with activity. Many of the planets in this pattern are "feminine" bodies, while most of the rest represent unconscious influences. We normally think of "feminine values" in very stereotypical fashion as pertaining to feelings and relationships, but I believe that's misleading when it comes to this chart. The strongest body is Vesta, an asteroid that represents feminine power in isolation and retreat, separate from her connections with others. Perhaps this is a time to challenge these mythic ideas of "the Feminine" that permeate much new age thinking -- there is no monolithic female role, just as there is no single male model. Uranus and Pluto suggest it's time to overthrow these mental habits, too. All too often such stereotypes serve simply as sniper's weapons between the sexes -- even the all-encompassing Feminine can be a wedge that divides and separates in practice. Relationship is always demanding, but it can be doubly troublesome when we're trying to make sense of each other in terms of such flawed images. Resist the urge to pigeonhole people and situations in such sweeping generalities, letting the particulars and individual nuances rule the day. Value your independence and separateness as much as your intimate connections. Allow life to challenge your myths and ideas, not the other way around. It's hard to be flexible and adaptable in these demanding times if you carry such heavy baggage around. Lighten your load and dance!

Mars is the first planet to change signs in October, moving from Leo into Virgo on the 7th, where it will stay until it shifts into Libra on Nov 27 (the same day Neptune reenters Aquarius). Virgo is not generally considered the best placement for the head-strong God of War and Ego, but I believe the combination actually works quite well. The cerebral Virgo adds some focus and discipline to martian activities that make him much more effective. Instead of simply throwing his weight around, he figures out the best way to get things done with little effort. This element of precision is quite useful in the long run.

The first of the logjam planets is Ceres, which stands still on the 10th at 13Gm30 and then starts backing up. Ceres the Great Mother stands for the principle of love and nurturance, for understanding how we fit into the great web of life that supports our existence. For the next 3 months, it feels as if your support and help is dwindling, especially if you are not used to lending a helping hand to others when they need you. There's a sense of isolation, of going it alone, that causes us to avoid working together for our mutual good. Reexamine your views on cooperation and opening up to others -- there's no reason to do everything by yourself.

The most crucial of the logjam planets is Neptune, which stands still at 29Cp23 on the 11th, about to resume normal forward motion. This station is one of the major events of '98, given that Neptune is teetering back and forth across the Capricorn-Aquarius border most of this year. This event needs to be put into the perspective of the entire cycle dating back to last January, since Neptune's passage from one sign to the next is so important to us. Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions, of the motivations that come from the Higher Heart within us, and of the way we relate to the subtle energies about (and within!) us that underlie the material world we know through the usual five senses. When he first set foot in Aquarius on Jan. 28, after a plodding 14 year stay in stodgy old Capricorn, it felt like a light switch had been flipped on. With our fingers in the light socket, judging by how stress levels went through the roof for most people. All of a sudden, we were required to operate continuously at a high energy rate that most of us can't sustain for more than a few days or weeks at a time -- hence the stress. By May, when Neptune went into reverse gear, we'd gone about as far with this hectic, new energy as we could without going back and cleaning up a few loose ends. In fact, he backed all the way into Capricorn again on Aug 22, which turned out to be a much needed reprieve. Life quieted down considerably then on some levels, giving us a time to recoup and refocus our energies. Neptune in Capricorn tends to idealize the material world -- in fact, the period from '84 to '98 can fairly be described as an obsession with business, finances and power. While the Aquarian vibration popped this bubble (witness the worldwide market meltdowns, for instance), let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. The physical plane is not the ultimate level of spiritual reality, but it is definitely an important part of our lives as spiritual creatures. We require the grounding of the earth element to remain calm and effective in the midst of the whirlwind. We have to attend to the physical and emotional health of our bodies so that exposure to these intense subtle energies doesn't burn us out. We need the money, resources and support structures to make the work of the Spirit possible in our everyday lives, without mundane issues (like "where's my next meal coming from?") constantly sidetracking us. Let's not be so totally absorbed by the material that we dismiss everything else, but let's not forget to make nuts and bolts reality work for us instead of enslaving our lives. We are now at a point where we have to strengthen the structures and systems in our lives that will support us as we prepare to reenter the high voltage, mental, idealistic Aquarian arena on Nov 27. Simplify your life now, refocus your efforts and resources to support your goals, rethink your priorities and ideals. Get your body ready to handle the load.

Juno shifts from Libra into Scorpio on the 15th (until Jan 15th of next year). This change affects many partnerships and close relationships. It will be easier to fall into emotional traps with others, each person assuming the worst of the other and dishing out their own worst behavior in return. It's possible to crawl back out of these holes, but it takes insight and self-critical honesty to see your own role in the affair and learn to extend your trust to your partner once more. This can be a time of immense psychological growth, since partners are often the best mirrors of our own foibles for us. Have the courage to tackle your problems instead of taking them out on someone else.

Jupiter is trine Chiron on the 16th, the second of 3 such contacts. This year-long connection is challenging us to bust through some of the limitations that keep us from reaching out into the world. Many of these restrictions are simply emotions and fears of our own making, the shame of exposing our true selves and dreams to people we haven't come to trust yet. You can't make a mark on the world unless you allow your passions to bust free. We're still doing the inner work now, but by the last contact (on Mar 1), with Jupiter and Chiron both in fire signs, the accent will be on doing, not planning or worrying.

Uranus stands still on the 18th at 8Aq48, about to resume normal motion. This placement normally points out some of our mental blindspots in an especially striking and unexpected manner. It's possible that months of grumbling and confusion melt into a sudden "Aha!" experience. The world has an uncanny ability to provide the right two-by-fours to whack us over the head now, so pay attention to the clues coming from frustrations and surprises. Be prepared to let go of unnecessary baggage or change your point of view at a moments notice. Life is so much easier without carrying all that weight.

The peaks in the waveform (7 and 27 degrees) point right to the main patterns within the new moon chart. The new moon and Venus over in Libra join up with Saturn and Neptune to form a powerful T-square; throw in Juno for good measure. This spells a lot of confusion and mixed signals about relationships, at both emotional and very practical (e.g., money issues) levels. It's hard to maintain a middle course between being serious and demanding with others and being so dreamy and idealistic that the relationship has no substance. With Mars squaring Pluto (and hitting Uranus too), working with others could be tricky in coming weeks. The tendency is to be bossy or blow up in anger, so keep your diplomacy cap nearby. Discerning between selfish and more high-minded motives before acting will cure many problems here. Some of the trouble is that we often expect little from others and we get just what we ask for. Be reasonable, but aim high anyway.

The most crucial transition this month is when Saturn backs up from Taurus into Aries on the 25th (until Feb 28). Saturn in Aries turned out to be rather hot headed the first time around, so some of the Taurean calm and steadiness is endangered. Remember that Saturn is straddling the Aries-Taurus border this year, just like Neptune's balancing act, and the two planets are very connected with each other. Focus your energies into constructive activities, not mindless bluster.

By far, the most important aspect all month is the square of Saturn and Neptune on the 31st, the second of these 3 troubling contacts. This is turning into a very difficult influence, since it involves 2 planets that are so opposite in an aspect that is bound to produce conflicts. The clash between cold, hard reality (or at least our belief that the world is this way) and an idealistic, free-flowing world that is much more than our limited senses can imagine is going full force for about 10 months. One mechanism for working out this aspect involves taking cherished beliefs and myths about our lives and subjecting them to analysis and criticism, relinquishing the ones that don't stand up. The opposite side of the coin requires examining our views of "reality", "rationality", "practicality", etc. from a higher point of view, finding the areas where our imaginations are smaller than the world it's trying to understand. The idea of a rational, mechanical, well defined universe is a fiction that even science no longer believes in, but people continue to run their lives as if it were true anyway. How can you be practical and realistic (Saturn) when the myth you live (Neptune) is wrong? This is slippery ground indeed, where all our assumptions are up for grabs. Follow the vision that has a ring of truth for you, even if it sounds a little bit crazy. Good truths are always a bit nuts...